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The castle of Wiener Neustadt – from the border stronghold to an international meeting point

The East of the German Reich was sparely populated. Different tribes often attacked the empire from the East and troubled the people. The foundation of Wiener Neustadt and Hainburg put an end to this.

Wiener Neustadt developed to an imperial residence, the castle was seat of different Habsburger-Emperor for hundreds of years. Some of them were even born in the castle.

Through the relocations of the Emperor’s seat to Vienna, Wiener Neustadt lost much of its importance. Maria Theresia founded the Military Academy of Wiener Neustadt and so the castle, which was once the residence, became the training post of many officials. Astonishingly there was a woman, who had stolen into the training troop.

After the dark time of the Second World War and the destruction, the castle was rebuilt and is today an international meeting point, especially because of the technical college which was unique in Europe on the one hand and the “castle – ball” on the other hand.