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Children in the "scuola dell'infanzia" of the roman school

Pupils of the s"cuola primaria" in the roman school 


The Istituto Comprensivo Marco Ulpio Traiano

Our school is an institute called 'Istituto Comprensivo Marco Ulpio Traiano' comprehending three different degrees of the Italian school system:

  • the scuola dell'infanzia (for children to 6 years)
  • the scuola primaria (for children to 11)
  • the scuola secondaria di 1° grado (for boys and girls up to 14).

Our school is in a suburb of Rome; we are not more than 7 kilometres from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

We like our school very much. It's a pretty new school built a few years ago. The school is painted light blue. It has plenty of many useful, nice and sunny classrooms. There is also a big theatre where we usually perform shows before Christmas holidays or at the end of the school year, in June. There is a gym, where we often play basketball or handball. There are some big halls where we can work together, more than a class, during music lessons or to draw or paint something. In places like these we can watch home videos or prepare our shows.

Next to the main building there is a big garden with an ecological oasis with a pond and a lot of plants. Behind the school there is a sports ground where we can play football spending our playtime or during the gym lesson. The scuola dell'infanzia and the scuola secondaria di 1° grado are very close to us: in fact the one is the same building and the other is a separate building a few metres away.